Since it is all the rage these days, and everybody is talking about it, I started thinking about the way God wants us to love our wives. As we are to love our Wives as Christ loved us, and after hearing Jon's message about how Christ not only died for us, but lived for us, and lives through us, I started thinking about that in terms of marriage. So I started reading Ephesians, chapters 4 and 5, then linked them to I Timothy 2:12, then tied in I Corinthians 7:10-15, and II Corinthians 6:14, mostly just to get me off the hook. So here is how I see it.
- Christ Died for us, We die for our wives, not just the simple death, of being willing willing to die for her, for as a man, we are willing to put ourselves in harm's way many times, and sometimes for total strangers. The death I am talking about, is really two deaths.
A. Your own death, As a man, and in time a husband and father, you kill
yourself a little every day, going to work to support your family, you
break your body down.
B. Your killing of the old man, Every day, you take that sin nature to task
every day, When the waitress with the loose shirt bends over to get a
better tip, don't look down her shirt, kill off your flesh desire's
2. He lived for us, you live for your wife, with every decision you make, long before you meet your wife, for she may be watching, you set your goals, you live a Christian life as a single man, getting yourself established, with a steady income. You make your decisions together with her, and for her. When you are out somewhere, and you see something she might need, think of her, take that little time on your lunch break to call and ask how her day is going. do things together, even when you are tired, take that walk as the sun goes down, stay up and talk, sitting on the couch. let her rest when the baby cries, these are little things you do for her, love her more than yourself, cherish her, teach her, honor her, in the way you talk about her, A woman any woman is to be honored, but your wife is to be honored above all other's she is part of you, the best part.
3. He lives through us. Live through her. In today's schedule of run, run, run. A man is often gone to work before the kids even wake up, and they are thinking about bed, when he returns home. So you need to make sure your wife is washed in the word, to edify he love of Christ into your children, to have the education of your children be a joint effort, To be sure, even though you are not home, that your children through your wife, know what you would say if you were there to answer any question they would have. Your wife being an equal in the knowledge of Christ, Joined. The time you share with your family should not have to be just punishing them for the things they did when you were gone. It shouldn't be, I hope dad doesn't come home too soon, Mom's gonna tell him a out all the stuff I did. Discipline is a shared task, anyway, they run fast, so it takes both of you to catch and one to hold and one to spank.
This is really broken down, but here is the gist of it. there is alot more about being Equally yoked, and loving your wife, but it would take me forever to write tonight, and i need to get to sleep, Gotta get well. Tell me what you think, Am I way off?