Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Saturday, March 31, 2007

My Perfect Day

Laying in the cool shade, the humid wind blowing across the field drying the sweat on your body. The wagon above you creaks with the burden of hay you toiled to place upon it. Nature starts to heal from the plunder of the haybine as birds once again sing, down the valley, you see a fawn walk in to the alfalfa stubble. You know by the sun it is almost chore time, and you are thankful for the daily milking and feeding to give yourself a break from the hard work of mowing hay, these bales can stay on the wagon for the night, not a cloud in sight, nary a speck on the blue hue. Lookking forward to tonight, maybe after chores a quick dip in the creekto cool off and get the field grime off your skin before dinner.

You can already smell the popcorn after dinner as your wife and the kids are just starting a movie as you get out of the shower. Feeling shiny and new, you sit beside your wife and take her hand, she lays her head upon your chest and you can hear her sigh as she relaxes, your workday is done and you are where you belong. you both smile as you watch the kids, one by one, slide a little closer to you, just inch over a little at a time, trying to get closer to mom and dad, no matter what the movie, there is no place like this, home with family, your life beside you and love all around. Later, carrying the sleeping kids to bed, and kissing them all goodnight, you thank your wife for a wonderful day and talk about tomorrow. You hold her close and give her a long gentle kiss, tell her how much you love her, as you close your eyes to drift off to dreamland, you thank God for all the wonderful joy in your life, Amen as you drift away, Your life no longer a dream on this perfect day.


Blogger Emily said...

I'v never really thought about what my perfect day would be like, but I'm sure this one would have to be pretty close cause it sounds like a wonderful dream :) Simple and yet so beautiful..

7:26 PM  

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