Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Sunday, March 04, 2007

words on a page, Part I

While the moon casts it shadow into the darkness, the creatures of the night wander to kill the hunger that leads them. I know and feel that this relationship will last, my heart no longer to wander. As clouds covereth and block the light, so shall the trials of life hinder the flow of love in our lives. Letting God's grace be the night wind, this grace shall remove such reservations. Time and time alone shall let the truth be known. Knowing the seed sown in past, whether pride or ponder, shall show the future on this little orb of dirt in space on which God has decided to do his human experiment.


Blogger Emily said...

waitng on time can be very frustrating! But When God is in the picture it makes it so much easier. Is there another part?

8:53 PM  
Blogger landlooker said...

I write other parts to this all the time, it is like a running dialogue of my life and dreams.

2:19 AM  

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