Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Monday, February 26, 2007


After a long unappreciated day of mind numbing stress, it was a real blessing to drive home and see the snow hanging in the evergreens. The wondrous beauty of the world that God made for us. Well, let me give the old noggin' a thump and see what falls out, how about something about what we all see around us today.

Warming winds surprise the snow,
so down the valley it must go.
Snow won't flow so to water it must go
and slowly into the earth it will trickle,
this land, it is so fickle,
with the nurturous water of life
and the nutrients from which flower's bloom.
You see the snow become's nature womb,
holding the seed's and the grasses under the protective
cover of warmth and water,
when the sun says hello, and the time is right
the earth does bear it's child of beauty into
the sun for us all to see.
That is the best I can can do with my mind fried. I got really close to sliding into a bunch of kids playing on a playground today, the ground was all covered in ice, and I asked the t4eacher to keep them from the area I was working, but I don't like sliding downhill toward a bunch of 7 and 8 year old kids, and having no control to stop the 90,000 pound machine from smushing them like bugs, If it would have been once, it would have been enough. I swear they had a 3 hour recess, and I kept sliding toward them, It was enough to make you want to walk home. OK, I am done whining, Some things just should not have to be done at a certain time, and when you complain about something for safety's sake, you shouldn't get yelled at, Not Kosher my friend's, not kosher at all...........
But one more thing, A King George Quote.
Goodnight Sweetheart sleeptight, wherever you are, God hold you in his arms, while we're apart.


Blogger Emily said...

Sounds like you had a pleasant day! jk, people can be so fickle sometimes. I like the poem it reminds me of summer; everything melting and turning green again :)

8:05 PM  
Blogger Mary Ellen said...

Hey I really like this poem. It's amazing how the rhymns just seem to come even when you don't try to form them. :)

10:54 AM  

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