Though we all know time spins on, and week by week it tends to spin faster, I have noticed, that when I want to be somewhere, or have some little goal, no matter how fast time spins, that goal, or that place I want to be never seems to get any closer. I find myself thinking about someone I want to see, or someplace I want to see, and as fast as the day goes by, the place I want to be seems just as far away. Another day in the white, so it shall be the subject of which I write, toil yet and toils still. Work with no bounty, no reward, no frills. Moving something that is in the way, when given time it would just melt away, Chasing windmills no longer my goal, the image in my mind, does fill my soul. Hoping for sunshine and little spring rains, Hoping for healing and taking of pains, walking now as I have walked then, my body is old, soul yet of a younger man. Walking the earth and smelling the nature, chasing the beauty which God has so nurtured. Seeing a picture, a hope, nay a dream, her smile so bright as the full moons beams. Walking not alone, for she is on my mind, filling my world with soft little rymes. Given over so easy calming emotion, my soul not the turbulent typhonic lost ocean.
I kind of like that one. It means a bit to me...
I kind of like that one. It means a bit to me...
I like it :) It is so true, when you have something good to work towards time seams to go so slow,
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