Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What I know

Those of you who know me well,
know of the place I have been
and the stories I can tell.
Of all the places I have been,
coming home to my Love is the best that I know
Of all the things I have seen,
The look in her eyes when she first smiles at me,
Walking in the door,
knowing what I am there for,
To see her profile turn to me,
and her eyes shine and smile at me.
Listening to the sweet music of the heart,
knowing her laugh before it will start,
Her smile lighting up the room,
my arms wrap her as if a coccoon.
Run my fingers through her long hair,
making a memory of every second I am there.
The paintbrush in my mind, filling a canvas,
Wondering why it is so often I leave this.
The scent of her hair, the way her eyes dance.
I watch as she walks, as if in a trance.
I find I keep track of her wherever she goes,
the sound of her footsteps, soft, her movement like a breeze.
I see her smile at night as I start to dream,
and when I am with her, the way her smile does gleam.
Watching her nervous, her hair she does touch.
So many questions, I want to know so much.
What are her hopes, what are her dreams.
In time all will be asked, but till then my mind screams.
A happy place to go when the day is bad,
Hoping beyond words, that she is not sad.
Knowing above all through grace we are saved.
Praying to help me relax through the day.
Precious moments shared stand out in my mind.
Why must all of my thought come as ryhme.
Sending these words out to the world as a letter,
Knowing every day, the future looks better.


Blogger Emily said...

Why do all of your thoughts come as a ryhme? Because they are so beautiful! your wife will love this someday, dont stop writing your thoughts.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

Well I know I can be borring sometimes, and irritating too! I really have no special plans for my life, no crazy adventers that I plan on taking. ther's alot more to life than that :) My dreams are alot more simple than most I guess. Kinda like the new danielle peck song. When people first meet me they usually think I'm stuck up or something. I think its because I am shy at first utill I get to know people better, then I open up. I dont try to evoid people though. I enjoy talking and knowing what people are really feeling and sharing what I'm thinkig. I really dont have any really close friends (I never have, just alot of friends) except my family members. Mary Ellen is probably the one I'm closest to. Everyone can be self centered sometimes, thats just part of our sin nature. After all selfishness is the root of all sin. I would probably be a selfish little stuck up girl if I had never been saved from my self! I thank God that I am cause I probably would not be a nice person most of the time :) Sometimes the old man does sneak in though. But you are not a borring person at all! but yes, most women I think do want a nice guy, they just want to conform them to their own little world, which is the wrong way of looking at the picture. But you will find a nice lady, I'm sure :)

6:39 PM  

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