Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Stress is driving me mad I say, Mad. When it is pouring rain, and I am out working in lightning, I just shiver and feel the tension in me crackle, I just wanna curl up in a ball sometimes, I take a second, close my eye's and say a little prayer, thank God for the day, and breathe for a moment, I try to relax, but sometimes it is just too much. If not for my writing every morning, and the ryhmes I play in my head, I think I would go nuts. You would think my boss would get tired of belittling me, and get some work done, but it seems that he has a problem with my ability to deal with large projects, and needs to try a nd make me crack, he yells a t me and calls me names for hours on end, trying, to get a reaction out of me, trying to get me to yell at him, so he can pick on my Christianity, but I will not let him win, already he has yelled at me 9 hours this week, and although it takes all the patience I have, I let him do it, ujust keep working as he follows me along calling me a retard or an incompetant, or many other words I will not write. It sure makes the day crawl, I wish he would just go away. Sorr to whine, off to bed I go, try to drift off to hay fields and long hair blowing in the breeze, the gentle holding of hands, My mind is a beautiful theatre to produce such plays.


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