Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Even More words on a page

It is funny to me to watch the way people misunderstand my intentions. I tend so often to keep my thoughts to myself, and now to you, my reader, having to set aside myself so often in what I am wanting, kind of an oxymoron to consider, though letting my thoughts be known can be a precarious situation, yet I feel to be myself, I must do so in all aspects of me, and as writing is an important aspect of me, these words I write. So, as it were, here I am, I search yet for many things, for one who loves me, and who, a smile I can bring. I look for a friend who by my side in time, our children we can teach, edification we can bring. I would love to walk upon those hills of life, her hand along the way, pushing and pulling each other, in case we lose our way. the future comes too quick sometimes, yet time is just a measurement of days, to seperate tomorrow from the past and from today. I meet such interesting people, some I have known all along. Though as they get to know the real me, surprise in them I see. Is this shock a plus or minus, what do they wonder about me? So time is what I'll give them and the truth in time we'll see. Knowing that the me I am, the me I am today, the same me I was ten years ago, but now red is speckled with gray.

There are times when being a nice person really sucks, myself being just a normal guy, fairly easy to get along with, just being me. Am I so difficult to approach, so hard to deal with, that no-one thinks I am worth their time to talk things through with? Choosing to put me in a boxas to what they think my intentions are, or what they would do in my place, Well as you can see by my size, I don't fit into any such box. So I wish people would ask me what I am thinking, what I desire or my ideas, before they tell other people what they think I am doing. I enjoy watching my friends be happy, from Naomi with her kid's, to Reuben running wild. I enjoy watching people smile, it is my entertainment in this stressful life I lead. It seems that to be a nice person is looked down upon any more. Getting personally run through the meat grinder of misunderstanding and people getting hurt from miscommunication, I do wish for peace and friendship...


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