Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Something for a friend.

As the rain pours down through the leaves outside, I see the leaves in a different light, not just as the fauna we know them as, but as a picture of our past and the rain as our present day experiences, we tend to filter every little drop of life, though the past, scattering the knowledge of today, all around, thinning it right down, till only the smallest bits of today actually stick on your memory. Soaking to the roots and nourishing this tree through the future. Though we all have some leaves, some denser than others, let us pray that our leaves never fall. With time and wind, age takes some memories, as with leaves never quite developed, fall easily with any storm or cold snap. Some memories, even when the tree is dying and the bark is peeling, will look fresh as a may day, these memories are the ones that changed your life; your first love, a friends death, the love of your mother, your first heartache, love lost to never be found, the day you got saved, your children being born, your parents dying, your first kiss, your first big raise at work. There are so many leaves by the time you get old, that the tree starts to lose branches, and finally, leafless and rotted, falls to the ground, to become part of the earth. The really big tradgedy is when a tree is taken in the prime of it's life, Branches full of healthy leaves gets taken in a storm, or gets attacked by some disease to be brought down to the ground, a slow painful death that just breaks the heart of all who love them, even those who walk by every day and see the leaves falling in the summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jim, here is your comment. I am planning on emailing Tawni but I am still shy, so I'll do that tonight when I have time to sit down and think for a while. But I will give you my blog address...

I like the imagery in your poems, I can really imagine the analogy. Like in the one you gave me yesterday to put in the bulletin, I can see snow falling on a field and covering all the ruts and scars, its the perfect example to get across what you are trying to say.


6:23 AM  

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