Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Finally, After weeks and weeks, and weeks and weeks, and weeks and weeks. Well, it semed like that long at least, I am feeling better. Having taken the advice of a few friends, one, drink lots of water, Two, Drink whiskey. Between the two of them, I seem to have healed what was ailing me. I do believe it was the whiskey, yesterday, I had a shot before work, and a few last night after I got back to Black River, An Whalla, I am healthy as a newborn goat, Kicking and running around, just looking for something to bite or trouble to get into, Well, that is what the goat would do at least, I am a little more low-key. So as I get ready for work, go back to standing in the rain I am sure, being belittled by a large man with an even larger head, I am feeling good, I had a nice study last night, I think this morning before work I will start to get my notes ready on a message on depression, I know Mike and I have talked before about stuff to teach, but I really would only prefer to talk about stuff I know about, not only what I have studied, but what I have lived, I think any other way would be hippocritical, so these are the things I will work on. So good day to all my wonderful friends, and I am sure strangers, and of course the odd weirdo who may read this, as I hope all do, I write to talk to myself, and to others, as this is the way I think, I don't ever talk at work, and rarely converse during the week at all. I was told yesterday, by the afforementioned big head, That even though my opionions may be correct, and others may care what I have to say, on his projects, i am not paid to have an opinion, just keep my mouth shut and do as I am told, he likes me he also said, said i am one of his favorite employees, and considers me a friend, but in his words, well, i had better not repeat his words, lets just say, I am his personal slave when he chooses, and as he told all the guys this, al lI could think was, It is a good paycheck, and put it in a cowfund, just save the money, and part ways in time, as I worked in the office later in the day, where I am respected and my opinion weighed with the knowledge of years of experience, it is very refreshing. There are just some days where you wish you could be a little kid and yell, DO-OVER, but alas you can not, and what would I change anyway, nothing really, so onward and upward my friend, and as Paul Harvey says, "Good Day"


Blogger Mary Ellen said...

Hey! I'm glad you're feeling better. This dang wind and crappy weather isn't making me to happy. :(

8:49 PM  

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