Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Sunday, April 08, 2007

What a day

This day of rest, upon which there is so much unrest, frozen snowflakes fall slowly to the ground, like tears afraid to fall. I watch people headed hither and yon, head back to my own little place to think, give people space, I find it interesting to watch people, how they react to different things, If they do more than talk of what they believe, or do they live it. I find myself thinking about a message I heard many years ago from Richard Jordan. Rick said, if you want to have certain things in your life, goals, Dreams you work toward, whether they be for your personal life, work, love, family, all these things are things you live towards from the get-go. If you would like someday to have a better house, don't expect it to fall out of the sky upon you, Save money, work smart, buy smart. He said preparing your heart for different situations is very important, and I believe that to be very true, not just preparing your heart, but living your live for something. While we are God's children, and members of the church, we are also free moral agents, given the choice to live as we choose. In doing so, we must live toward what we want today, if we really want it tomorrow. You can't expect to live your life running around like a chicken with your head cut off, and then one day just expect to change because of meeting someone, or getting a different job, we live toward what we want, and in due time, we find it. I am a believer in meaning what you say, I don't really talk about it much, but when I say something wrong it bothers me. One old girlfriend told me, that she had never heard me say anything I didn't mean, and when I had nothing to say about a situation, it usually meant I did not agree with it, and as she knew me pretty well, I kind of think she may have been right. I find I am remembered for what I say as much as for what I don't say, not just in conversations of silence, but in that I will not be included in a conversation I find highly distasteful. When I hear words being spoken around women, that should never be spoken around women, I look away, of look down. My father would get up and leave. If I swore in front of my Mother, or said certain words, I would be asked to leave, and not come back, simple as that. As many things that my parents did, that I don't agree with, they would not allow bad language at home, or certain subjects to be spoken of. I find myself migrating away from people who would act this way, no matter how hard I try, it just rubs me the wrong way, it is a bad testimony. When the guys at work speak of diststeful subjects, I won't partake in the conversation, That is what sets us apart as Christians, from everybody else, We live in this world, not of it. I am a firm believer in this. I know, even though some of the guys might pick on me about it, Call me preacher, of bible boy, They respect me, and that is something That others see. While I may be filthy, tired, and sore, at the end of the day, I earned my wage, and the other men respect me, most of the office appreciates me, and respects my abilities in certain aspects of my job. They also know, that I will go to the bar with them, have a drink, and talk, but I won't talk nasty, I won't be talking down to the women bartenders, and they know who to talk to when they are having problems. It is something I enjoy about my job. It really is troublesome to me to hear things spoken in the presence of women, not only as a single guy, you never who might be your wife someday. I look at it this way, I have no idea who my wife may be someday, and I would never want her to hear talk like that, If I am standing at a bar, and talking to guys from work, What if that bartender shows up at church the next day, Do I really want, what could be the future mother of my children to have to hear nasty, foul things spoken. I think not. This is not an issue of law or grace, but of respect and class.


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