Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Her shadow

Since my earliest memories I have felt someone beside me, at times I have even seen her shadow. In different people I have seen some of her qualities, her walk but not her talk, or her talk but not her warmth, never quite the whole package. Someone who I share things with because I want her to understand me, not to keep the conversation going. With her I am myself from the beginning, able to speak about my past as a funny story, not the painful memories they have always been. Sharing my worries of today and tomorrow openly and knowing she understands and wants to know them. I have often caught her scent in the wind and heard her whisper in the darkness. At times in my life, I would swear she is all that has kept me going. Being able to discuss spiritual matters openly has brought me to a quicker pace in my own spiritual walk. I have always just known that when I truly found her I would know by a look in her eye's. this is one of the reasons I have been such an eye person, I guess. At times of discouragement, I have felt she did not exist, but I have always looked for her. In relationships in my past No-one has ever understood why some things should wait and it has become one of my fears that no-one will ever understand that some things are too precious to cheapen and exploit, needing to be protected and personal. When the subtleties of a glance or a smile are overlooked, the bond is weakened, the connection is narrowed. Every little touch from the slightest brush, to a hug should always be cherished and kept close to the heart, never letting these moments be forgotten, images lost in a sea of experiences, floating , mixing in the depth of memory. I saw her on a cold night, looking in her eye's I was almost knocked down by her depth and inner beauty. Though the road is littered with uncertainty, the fog is clearing a little more with every beat of our heart. Though much closer the start than the finish, in my heart is burned, the image of her shadow.


Blogger Mary Ellen said...

Hey, I like your poems. You seem to be able to find cool words to express things. Maybe they're just not ingrained into my vocabulary yet!lol!
I notice your latest poems all have things about warmth/coldness, the moon, night, shadows, etc. Hmmmm... I find that interesting. TTYL!

11:54 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

This must be the imaginary woman of your dreams :) I like the part about the smallest of things shouldnt be taken for granted, it is so true that if they are overlooked the connection is narrowed.

8:32 PM  
Blogger landlooker said...

Thank you, It is an interesting path we walk, and somehow like the one of enlightenment, we learn all along, but my dream, my goal, my thoughts are not changed, Jim

9:56 PM  
Blogger landlooker said...

I have heard that all things build character, but it seems that I should be quite a character by now, Sometimes the hardest work we do is reap what we sow.

3:25 PM  

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