Landlooker's look at life

Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Working too much

I know we all do it, and some of us even feel like we do it, even when we are not. But, life gets busy, we try to wrap all the things we usually do into this bubble life and still try to have a little adventure. There are days we are so physically and emotionally tired, that we can hardly move, let alone be a good companion. When you get home after fourteen or fifteen hours of work, and see the kids have missed you, you are not going to get ready for bed, you are going to get them dinner, make sure they have their homework done and there isn't anything they want to talk about, and with kids, you don't just ask them that, you have to get them relaxed ask them how their day went help them put their clothes away, and then after maybe a few hours when you are tucking them into bed telling them you will see them after they are home from school they might mention something, and you might spend an hour talking about it, and every single minute of tired feet dragging the next day was worth it. These are some of the wonderful things that we get to do when you are around kids, too tired to talk, but listening is all you need to do.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Illegal migration

As, many of you know, immigration has been a huge thing in the media these days, for many reason, it is emotional, it is expensive, and if not done legally, it will destroy the United States as we know it! I am a huge fan of legal immigration, if a person or a family wants to have a better life, and they think they can have it in another country, then I wish them the best, butfirst you apply for a visa, you get your bloodwork done, and you look for legal work that will provide you with a legal means of feeding your family, and paying taxes to support the country into which you are moving, and most importantly, you become a citizen of that country, you adapt, you learn the language, you learn to read and write in it, so you can be educated in their school system without costing more to teach you, you learn to speak it fluently so you can get an even better job than the one you got when you first came to that country. Illegal imigration costs bllions of dollars, and in this country, it is destroying our health care system, it is costing way too much to educate people who don't care to learn our language, and by allowing illegals to have the same rights we have, we cheapen those right's and boy's and girl's, our forefather's shed alot of blood for those right's. As a taxpayer in this great country, I am fed up with paying for people who expect the same rights, but don't want to work as hard as my relatives did when they came here, I am sure many of you have heard your grandparent's talk about how they were not allowed to speak their native tongue at home, because their parents wanted them to be americans, not; germans, norwegians, french, or even irish anymore. Now we have a huge problem with what to do with the millions of illegals already in this country, and that is the fault of many different people for not imposing stiffer laws at the borders, when there is a problem, look at the laws written by our forefathers, and do what the laws say! Don't act like there is no problem until the people most affected by the problem have to do something about it, and the rest of the country, who have never even been to most of these areas, but are expert's just the same, sit and whine, calling each other names. The founders of this great country wrote the laws that way for a reason, let's follow them. I have a few ideas about what to do with the illegals already here, What are some of yours?

Wedding preparedness

As I run around my house trying to pack things and trying to get the kids packed, I remember all the times my parents packed stuff for me when I was younger, I am sure some of you have this same memory, the yelling and throwing things, the clothes that were supposed to be clean, but were in fact hidden in some nook, the adults saying things like," we don't even know them, why should we go through this just for strangers" followed by" she is my sister damn it, and you know we are very close, so just pack your shaving kit and get in the car". Ah' the sweet memories of our youth, it is what sweetens the days as we get older. So as I try to get the kids to please go pack their things, and thanking my girlfriend so much for helping me get my stuff packed and telling me"he's your brother, you have to go". So if you have any good wedding preparal stories, let us know

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The neccessity of times measurement

While we all look at the clock first thing in the morning, whether to curse or hit the snooze, we are all victims of times bonds, We worry about when to get to work, what time your childrens ball game is, and can you make the delicate balance of your life dance through another day. All this while time tears down our bodies as we fight it with health food and makeup, When we try so hard to spend the time we really want with our loved ones, and still have the bits of personal time that you must have in your day, from your morning shower's deep breath, to pushing your favorite CD into the stereo on your way home from work. This balance we all make is what life is, the time you think about the friends you have lost, and how even though we all do this from time to time, in our busy worlds, we must do it while we rock our babies to sleep. We give in to being victims of this cruel monster, and let us not kid ourselves, for that is what time is. But we must never forget, that as time is taking us down this track of life, we and the almighty are the conductors of our train, we can stop and pick up passengers any time we choose, but with the more friends we have, and the more things we do, the less we get to watch the scenery go by, but the more enjoyable that trip can be, so all I say my friends is enjoy the ride, bring your friends, the baggage cars are never full and we all seem to get more the older we get, and lets never let that dining car have too much booze on hand, keep it running out.

The economy and the price of oil.

As I am sure you have noticed, with the price of gas going up, the price of every single little thing we buy has or will be going up also, when you look at the transportation costs of things, when the cost of getting the product to the store rises 30 to 40 percent, not only will it cost us more to get to the store, but we will be buying more generic items just to cut the name brand payments, What do you as a reader and thinker have as ideas to really save this from being a economic impact, if any at all?


Welcome to Landlooker's look at life, it is just how I see things in my own little mind, in this small town in northern Wisconsin.