Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Illegal migration

As, many of you know, immigration has been a huge thing in the media these days, for many reason, it is emotional, it is expensive, and if not done legally, it will destroy the United States as we know it! I am a huge fan of legal immigration, if a person or a family wants to have a better life, and they think they can have it in another country, then I wish them the best, butfirst you apply for a visa, you get your bloodwork done, and you look for legal work that will provide you with a legal means of feeding your family, and paying taxes to support the country into which you are moving, and most importantly, you become a citizen of that country, you adapt, you learn the language, you learn to read and write in it, so you can be educated in their school system without costing more to teach you, you learn to speak it fluently so you can get an even better job than the one you got when you first came to that country. Illegal imigration costs bllions of dollars, and in this country, it is destroying our health care system, it is costing way too much to educate people who don't care to learn our language, and by allowing illegals to have the same rights we have, we cheapen those right's and boy's and girl's, our forefather's shed alot of blood for those right's. As a taxpayer in this great country, I am fed up with paying for people who expect the same rights, but don't want to work as hard as my relatives did when they came here, I am sure many of you have heard your grandparent's talk about how they were not allowed to speak their native tongue at home, because their parents wanted them to be americans, not; germans, norwegians, french, or even irish anymore. Now we have a huge problem with what to do with the millions of illegals already in this country, and that is the fault of many different people for not imposing stiffer laws at the borders, when there is a problem, look at the laws written by our forefathers, and do what the laws say! Don't act like there is no problem until the people most affected by the problem have to do something about it, and the rest of the country, who have never even been to most of these areas, but are expert's just the same, sit and whine, calling each other names. The founders of this great country wrote the laws that way for a reason, let's follow them. I have a few ideas about what to do with the illegals already here, What are some of yours?


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